USS Higgins and HMCS Ottawa Conduct Bilateral Operations
The U.S. Navy (USN) and Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) joined forces to conduct bilateral operations in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific in the South China Sea, Jan. 8-11.…
Pakistan Takes Over CTF150 Command From Canada
The Pakistan Navy has taken over the command of Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150) for the 13th time at an impressive change of command ceremony held at Headquarters US NAVCENT,…
Indonesian Navy Welcomes Visit of HMCS Ottawa
A warm moment occurred at a dinner held at De Soematra 1910, Surabaya, on Saturday (25/1). This event was held in the context of a visit by the Royal Canadian…
RNZN Couple & Daughter: “Adding Value in Canada”
A three-year deployment to Ontario, Canada for Navy couple Chelsea Dixon and Rhys Williamson had its challenges, but it was worth every moment. It’s a long way to go with…
RCN Reduced to Constabulary Duties
On Sunday, January 26, HMCS Harry DeWolf departed Halifax for a six-week deployment in the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean involving counter-narcotics-related activities with US forces. Sadly, this…
Governor General Message on Sailor Death
January 26, 2025 It was with deep sadness that we learned of the Royal Canadian Navy sailor who tragically lost their life in a devastating accident in the Bedford Basin,…
Petty Officer 2nd Class Gregory Applin Dies In RHIB Accident
January 27 announcement The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) is deeply saddened to announce that the sailor lost during an incident in Halifax on January 24, 2025 was Petty Officer, 2nd…