Commanding Officers

1. Cdr. J. Maurice was appointed commanding officer of HMCS Charlottetown
MT24 (crew transfer)
2. Cdr. N Buxton was appointed commanding officer HMCS Fredericton MT24.
(crew transfer)

Executive Officers

1. LT (N) A. Beaver appointed executive officer HMCS Summerside MT23
2. LT(N) A. Duff was appointed executive officer HMCS Glace Bay MT23
3. LT (N) S. Michaud was appointed executive officer HMCS Goose Bay MT23
4. LT(N) C. Reynolds was appointed executive officer HMCS Nanaimo MT23
5. LCdr. N Kucher – executive officer of Sea Training Pacific APS 24
6. Lcdr. J. Aitken – executive officer HMCS Charlottetown MT24 (crew transfer)
7. LCdr. M. Aubrey – executive officer HMCS Vancouver APS 24
8. LCdr. M. Delcourt – executive officer HMCS Fredericton MT24 (crew transfer)
9. LCdr. N. Shore – executive officer HMCS Calgary APS 24
10. LT(N) K. Brett – executive officer HMCS Edmonton APS 24
11. LCdr. W. Burdon – executive officer Trinity Maritime Operational Support
and Intelligence Centre APS 24
12. LT. (N) S. Oxley – executive officer Patrol Craft Training Unit APS 24 (on promotion)

Ship Coxswains

1. CPO1 A. Normand – HMCS St. Johns APS 24 (on promotion)
2. CPO1 M. Goodwin – HMCS Calgary APS 24
3. CPO1 T. King – HMCS Regina APS 24
4. PO1 J. Delorey – HMCS Summerside APS 24
5. PO1 S. Darrigan – HMCS Shawinigan MT24
6. PO1 S. Leveque – HMCS Glace Bay MT24
7. PO1 Y. Mathe – HMCS Brandon APS 24
8. PO1. A. Jack – HMCS Yellowknife APS 24
9. PO1. G. Crewdson – HMCS Griffon APS 24
10. PO1 N. Monkey – HMCS Queen Charlotte APS 24

Unit Chiefs

1. CPO1. S. Wist – Formation Maintenance Facility Cape Breton Production
Chief Petty Officer APS 24
2. CPO1. A. Hewlett – Director Naval Information Warfare Chief Petty Officer
APS 24
3. CPO1 N. Bresnahan – Director Naval Personnel Honors and Recognition APS
24 (on promotion)
4. CPO1 O. Meyer – Naval Fleet School Pacific Chief Petty Officer APS 24 (on
5. CPO1. J. Landry – Canadian Armed Forces Transition Unit Nova Scotia
Newfoundland Chief Petty Officer APS 24 (on promotion)
6. CPO1 C. Smith – Naval Training and Development Center Leadership
Development Chief Petty Officer APS 24 (on promotion)
7. CPO1 D. Fillion – Naval Fleet School Quebec APS 23

By Editor